Hi, my name is Richard Bowers and I am a custom rod builder.  I strongly believe in getting our youth involved in the outdoors to cure what author Richard Louv calls the "Nature Defecit Disorder" (In Last Child in the Woods, a very good read)  To that end, I participate in a number of youth fishing events and teach children (and a few adults) how to make their own fishing rods. Check out the upcoming kids fishing events on the News & Info page.

If we instill in our children a sense of responsibility and respect for our natural resources, they may grow up to be stewards of our natural resources, preserving them for generations to come.  To that end, I plan to report on various kid's derbies around the state, including those at which I volunteer.  I may even publish stories about the kids I help, especially the Special Needs kids at various events.

I welcome any and all comments, which you can submit via email to bowersrichard@msn.com

Rich Bowers